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Create Your Own Personal Retreat
- Tailored To Your Needs

Wherever I am in the world, you have the opportunity to design a unique and transformative retreat experience with me. Together, we will create a retreat tailored to your personal themes and needs, whether you're seeking emotional and mental well-being, physical healing, or a deeper spiritual connection.

I offer:

  • Personalized Coaching for emotional and mental health

  • Bodywork using various healing methods

  • Yoga sessions tailored to your level and goals

  • Breathwork for clarity, grounding, and energetic alignment

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to release emotional blockages

Your retreat can take place either at the location where I am currently based or at a location of your choice, where I am happy to travel to co-create the experience with you.

Contact me to plan your journey together.

5-Wochen Sommerkurs


Atem, EFT & Yoga Nidra
für Gesundheit und Lebensfreude

1. - 29. September 2024

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Pilgerreise Südindien

08. - 22. Februar 2025

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Danke für Deine Nachricht!

Golden Souls Desert Retreat

29.11. - 07.12.2014

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flyer EFT 14. Juli.jpg

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