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Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT - Tapping Trainings

Please contact me for more information 

Online EFT Training in German

23. June 2024, 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

(German Time Zone)

Online EFT Training in English/ Deutsch

9. June 2024, 09.00 am - 1.00 pm 

Join the group training or book a private class!


EFT is a potent form of energy psychology based on an understanding of the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) combined with modern psychological therapeutic techniques. It provides you with deep, intuitive, somatically based access to your own hidden patterning.

This complementary healing method can be used to address both acute crises as well as long-term blockages. It helps you to quickly relieve stress and to re-establish balance and right self-management in your day-to-day life.

There are many ways that we can benefit from EFT (also called “tapping”). Gentle tapping on specific meridian points helps us overcome self-sabotage, fears, unfounded beliefs, panic, trauma, pain, psychosomatic illnesses, and many other limits we impose on our inherent happiness and well-being.

EFT is very easy to learn and use—right guidance and instruction will allow you to master this technique quickly.
What I offer you is a safe environment and an intimate learning circumstance within which you can learn to use EFT effectively and to make it completely your own.

After using EFT with me—either in a one-on-one coaching session or in an EFT Training workshop—you will be able to support your own process of personal healing and well-being on an ongoing basis.

In an EFT Training you will learn

  • the basics of EFT - how the technique was developed, what it does 

  • in theory and practice how to apply and use the technique.

  • how you can create your own effective tapping sequence to suit your individual needs.

  • how this technique can help you better manage destructive thoughts, feelings and patterns.

  • how you can guide others through an EFT tapping session.


You will receive an online manual and a certificate of participation.

I am grateful and inspired to share this technique with as many people as possible.

Learn this wonderful technique for yourself, then you will have it always and everywhere at hand. You can use it in any situation that brings you out of balance.


Book your training or appointment 
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Paula, Peru

Sandhya teaches this powerful technique in a very authentic and intuitive way. I immediately felt welcome and there is a lot of emphasis on the practical part, which I really liked. Sandhya shares her knowledge very openly and makes sure that everyone feels safe and has the space to express feelings, thoughts or questions.

Celia, Peru

I appreciated the participative aspect, the benevolence and the richness of Sandhyas teaching.

I was surprised by the power of this technique, which, by activating different energy lines, allows us to recognize and release difficult emotions very quickly. We also learned how to apply it to others in a specific case.

I highly recommend Sandhya for her teaching and wisdom!

Here you can connect to my YouTube channel

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